Saturday, January 30, 2010


random thoughts:

1. the new job is great. i feel so much better about myself as a person, finally having the kind of job i have dreamed about for so long. i feel accomplished...all my hard work and persistence is paying off. i have my own desk, my own supplies, paid time off, vacations, health insurance, etc. i'm finally feeling like an adult. now i just need my own home and i'll be set.

2. i'm dreaming of summer. i usually hate summer, but some part of me is craving it. it's not the same part that hates my chubby legs and cellulite...but it's there. some remote part of me craving picnics in the park, iced drinks, summer dresses, windows rolled down, dark skin. i really must go camping this summer. idk when i'll have the time off work..but i wanna do it.

3. i need a hobby. potential list includes: martial arts, krav mag, knitting, yoga... any ideas? idk. knitting for sure is gonna happen...once i figure out where to start. krav mag and martial arts and yoga are pretty i'm gonna have to just pick one to start with i think. something to do after work that'll kick me in shape. it needs to kinda take up some of my weekend time too.

4. back to summer, in relation to the posted picture, i wanna go to a fair/carnival this year. so i'm planning early. i wanna do things. it's kinda me 'new years resolution' do things. to experience life and enjoy it this year. last year it seemed like i knew of everything that was happening too late. this year i'm gonna keep up on events and actually do things. maybe even do things i was not into before. might try going to warped tour or something. even though i have always kinda thought it was dumb. why not try it? i REALLY wish i could travel, but i doubt that's in the future what with mine and kevin's jobs :(

time to go pay bills and get my nails done...

running list of things to do:

1. go camping
2. go to a carnival/fair
3. stay in a hotel
4. go to warped tour

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