Sunday, January 31, 2010

a plague of both your houses

running list of things to do:

1. go camping
2. go to a carnival/fair
3. stay in a hotel
4. go to warped tour
5. go to baseball game

i spoke with my younger brother the other day. we talked about how we can't remember much of our childhoods. we have spent several years blocking out all the painful things that happened to us, that we accidentally blocked out the happy things too...

i wish i could go back. i wish we could go back, without the fear and pain.

but there are things i remember. my mum helping me run my lemonade stand. and me helping her with her garden, that was my favorite. i remember falling asleep with my window open and my dog laying next to me. or when my youngest brother and i sat on our roof one fourth of july, with a blanket, watching fireworks alone. i remember making rafts in the pond and the ditch. and catching crawdads. and running through cornfields with my cousins. and feeding reindeer cheese puffs. i remember wanting to run away, and hiding my journal under my bed. i remember going to work with my step dad. and walking to the arcade with my neighbors. i remember the smell of insulation, and enchilada casserole. i remember skylights and saturday morning cartoons. i remember sneaking out, and staying up late watching the disney channel. i remember rearranging my bedroom and feeling renewed. i remember sledding. and sitting in the tee-pee my step dad made us.

i don't want to forget...

1 comment:

  1. Camping is the best. That's one thing I love about New Mexico. The other thing, when I stayed with my grandparents for over a month, they lived on a farm in Maryland in the middle of nowhere, sleeping with the window open was amazing.
