Friday, February 5, 2010

casual friday

in celebration of being able to wear jeans and my favorite bright yellow jacket, today's artist is Win Mortimer! to date, he is my favorite comic book artist, not that i know a whole lot about that style of art, but his bright colors and bold lines have grabbed my eye for many years.

he was born may 1, 1919 (that's nine years after my great grandmother!) and died in 1998. he's best known as one of the main artists of the DC comic books hero Superman!

during WWII, Mortimer found work making posters. he began working for DC comics in 1945 drawing superman, superboy and batman (batman is my personal favorite...just for the record, superman is probably second). he worked on a few strips for newspapers as well.

i'd really like to own issues #184 and #212. so expensive though...sigh.

let's see here. i foun this totally badass site, made JUST for people like me. it's a wiki site of lists! how badass is that?!

check it out. it has some of the coolest lists ever. one time, in 8th grade, morgan and i got so bored, we tried to make lists of every movie we'd ever seen. it was one of the best afternoons i've ever spent. maybe i'll try to do it again just for the heck of it. i got up into the thousands and kinda gave up last time.

the people at work are kinda warming up to me which is nice...

so now i'm kinda interested in learning more about comics...but i need a good mentor. someone to take me under their wing and show me this gigantic and overwhelming world. comic collection is like a fine art, it's hard to just jump into it and know where to start. hmph. any volunteers? i'll even call you sensai. c'moooon.

random thought: can someone teach my grandmother how to text message PLEASE? i miss her mucho but who has the time for phone conversations these days anyway? surely not i.

this was supposed to be posted on like friday, so i'm gonna post it now and do some catch-up

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