Thursday, February 4, 2010

diana kohne

yawn... it seems like no matter what i do, i am destined to be exhausted. i can go to bed an hour earlier, wake up 20 minutes later... the fact is, if i wake up before 9 a.m., i'm going to be tired. and that is all. so i began my day with plenty of soda and coffee. so far... it's not really helping.

we're celebrating the superbowl at kevin's this year...not gonna lie, i have no clue who is even in it. ha. but it makes me think of this time last year. on the last superbowl sunday, morgan helped me curl my hair in our bathroom, i tried to look pretty cause i was meeting members of kevin's family for the first time. it was fun, i was nervous and they were nice. i wonder who all will be there this year...? i'm looking forward to it.

anyway, now that i've blabbed about myself (i'm no longer keeping a print journal so i kinda keep track of my thoughts here), today's illustrator/ artist is Diana Kohne. now i haven't done any research on her and i just happened to find her images on the web, but lord... she's good. her style is incred
ibly unique and i'm drawn to her sporadic lines and her interesting use of color, or lack thereof. i am really curious what mediums and supplies she uses. i know she mostly doodles in sketchpads, and scans the images into her flickr account. it's inspiring...i wish i had time to doodle. or create anything. between school and work i barely have time to eat and sleep i think.

i'm also looking to learn. i need to find some decent tutorials on some computer programs. just office programs and maybe some photo editing/manipulation ones too. i know the 'basics' of a lot of programs, but i have huge holes in my framework, because i've never had any formal education on anything like that. i've just picked up stuff along the way. i could also use to learn to type properly. i'm at like 50 some odd wpm but i have chicken fingers. i just wanna learn, okay?

speaking of learning, my single class that i'm taking at the moment is such a handful, but wow. i'm like a sponge. it's a political ideology class and it's great. i've found that i'm becoming a much more skilled reader as well. my philosophy classes are paying off. i read a document by Spinoza two days ago and wrote a three page summary of what i read. it was such a breeze! when i turned it in my professor said Spinoza is exceptionally difficult to read, i felt accomplished. who knows though. by sunday night, i will have read documents by pericles, plato, aristotle, machiavelli, hobbes, hume, kant, mill, locke, tocqueville, montesquieu, smith, nozick and nietzsche. i'm excited to compare styles. many of the documents i have already read, or at least read excerpts from, but none recently except for hume. and i have a huge essay outline due on this should be good.

blah blah blah, but if nothing else, at least this blog is saving my boyfriend from all this boring chatter.

sigh. time to go distribute mail.


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